Tag Archives: safety advisors

Fire Door Safety Week 2019

2019 Fire Door Safety Week Campaign Safety Advisors will be again pledging its support as Fire Door Safety Week Campaign enters into its 7thyear. The Home Office national statistics for England recorded for year ending March 2019 that there had been 253 fire-related fatalities in 2018/19 compared to 339(including 72 from the 2017 Grenfell Tower…
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Do I Need a Fire Risk Assessment?

Are you unsure if you need a fire risk assessment of your business or other non-domestic premises? Safety Advisors like to keep things simple. With this straight talking, informative blog, we answer all your questions. Who is responsible for Fire Safety? An employer The owner The landlord An occupier Anyone else with control of the…
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Falls From Height

According to stats released by the HSE, there were 35 fatalities during 2017/18 due to falls from height. Working at height is still one of the biggest causes of fatalities and serious injuries, with falls from ladders and falls through fragile surfaces being among the most common. We would like to think that employers are…
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Construction Sites – How To Eliminate Risks

Every year many construction site workers are killed or injured as a result of their work. Its easy for you and I to think that accidents will only happen to other people and wont affect us – but construction workers and their families continue to witness unnecessary pain, injuries and suffering within the construction industry.…
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