Tag Archives: health and safety advisor midlands

10 Steps to Health and Safety success

10 Steps to Health and Safety success Health and Safety has come a long way since the days of the industrial revolution when profit was put before people and as a result families suffered loss of loved ones due to un-safe practices. We, as a nation, should no longer accept that going to work could…
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10 Steps to Health and Safety – 8 Review

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 8 Review [caption id="attachment_3148" align="alignleft" width="212"] Reviewing performance is important[/caption] Periodically a review of the organisations health and safety measures should be undertaken to ensure they remain suitable for the organisation. We suggest some items that should be reviewed including:- Policy statements Statements of commitment should be reviewed…
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Young Workers

Are you looking after your young workers?  With more and more apprentices in placements up and down the country, it is vital that young workers are looked after properly. As an employer you have the same responsibility for young workers (under 18 years old) health, safety and welfare as you do with workers over the…
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Do I Need a Fire Risk Assessment?

Are you unsure if you need a fire risk assessment of your business or other non-domestic premises? Safety Advisors like to keep things simple. With this straight talking, informative blog, we answer all your questions. Who is responsible for Fire Safety? An employer The owner The landlord An occupier Anyone else with control of the…
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