Tag Archives: cdm regulations

What is a Principal Designer?

There is a lot of confusion surrounding exactly what a Principal Designer is. It is something that we hear quite often at Safety Advisors since the change was made from CDM Coordinator to Principal Designer. So, What is a Principal Designer? Do they design? What does a principal designer do? Hopefully this blog will set the…
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How can Safety Advisors help you?

We often write blogs about lots of different subjects, we shout about health and safety, we share tips on how to keep employees safe etc etc, but what we have never done is write a blog about how we can help you and your business. History of Safety Advisors  Don’t worry – this isn’t going…
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Construction Site Safety During Summer Holidays

Construction Site Safety During Summer Holidays We get it, you want your children to come away from their screens, whether they be TV’s, tablets and phones. You want your kids to get some fresh air, play and enjoy the outdoors. Construction sites can be seen as a form of entertainment for kids. Put your young…
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CDM 2015 – Do you know your duties?

CDM – Do you know your duties? It’s near on impossible to make health and safety sound appealing, attractive or sexy. But, health and safety and CDM regulations are here to stay. Here at Safety Advisors, we don’t mind shouting about things we are passionate about. Following the great feedback we received from our recent…
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