When Is the Right Time to Outsource Your Health & Safety?
A key challenge for a SME is to recognise when the time is right to outsource or indeed if it would be beneficial to the business.
We have 5 key questions that will help you to determine if outsourcing is valuable to your business:
- Do you employ a competent person who enables you to meet the current health and safety requirements? (competent meaning suitably qualified).
- Do you have a written health and safety policy statement setting out your company’s approach to ensure the safety of your employees and others who may be affected by your business? (Applies to companies with five employees or more)
- Has your company carried out suitable and sufficient risk assessments in relation to all significant sources of harm (hazards) arising from its activities, and recorded the results where more than five persons are employed?
- Does your company have arrangements in place to report accidental injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences under RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) and keep records?
- Has your company assessed the capabilities and training needs of all employees with regard to health and safety and provided adequate health and safety training?
If you answered NO to any of the above, it indicates that you may not be fully legally compliant, and outsourcing may be hugely beneficial to your company.
Call today on 01283 760802 to speak with one of our team about your business needs or Email us at info.safetyadvisors.co.uk. - We’re here to help -