Category Archives: Risk services

10 Steps to Health and Safety – 4 Who does what and when?

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 4 Who does what and when? Who does what and when? [caption id="attachment_3101" align="alignright" width="252"] Everyone has a responsibility in Health and Safety[/caption] Once an organisation has determined its main risks it must ensure staff have been allocated to properly manage those risks. Establishing roles and responsibilities for…
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10 Steps to Health and Safety – 8 Review

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 8 Review [caption id="attachment_3148" align="alignleft" width="212"] Reviewing performance is important[/caption] Periodically a review of the organisations health and safety measures should be undertaken to ensure they remain suitable for the organisation. We suggest some items that should be reviewed including:- Policy statements Statements of commitment should be reviewed…
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10 Steps to Health and Safety – 9 Involve staff and others

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 9 Involve staff and others [caption id="attachment_3149" align="alignleft" width="212"] Involving staff ensures everyone is involved in improving H&S[/caption] Involving staff in health and safety matters is both a legal requirement and a good idea for any organisation. Involving staff increases the ‘buy-in’ to overall health and safety implementation.…
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10 Steps to Health and Safety – 10 Make sure you have the right people to help you

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 10 Make sure you have the right people to help you [caption id="attachment_3150" align="alignleft" width="212"] Get help and support[/caption] An organisation must have access to competent advice, it’s the law. If you do not currently have suitable knowledge then a suitable competent external advisors should be sort. Staff involved…
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