
10 Steps to Health and Safety – 1 Management support and commitment

10 Steps to Health and Safety - 1 Management support and commitment [caption id="attachment_3095" align="alignleft" width="150"] Management commitment to Health and Safety[/caption] Policy statement A health and safety policy statement is a basic commitment to health and safety and should be displayed at places of work. It should be a simple document and sets out…
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What’s your New Year’s safety resolution plan?

What’s your New Year’s safety resolution plan? It’s that time of year again. How are you going to resolve your H&S problems and make your workplace safer? and what will you do to ensure your resolution sticks? Studies show that most resolutions we make fail before the end of January. The reasons do vary and…
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Young Workers

Are you looking after your young workers?  With more and more apprentices in placements up and down the country, it is vital that young workers are looked after properly. As an employer you have the same responsibility for young workers (under 18 years old) health, safety and welfare as you do with workers over the…
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What is a Principal Designer?

There is a lot of confusion surrounding exactly what a Principal Designer is. It is something that we hear quite often at Safety Advisors since the change was made from CDM Coordinator to Principal Designer. So, What is a Principal Designer? Do they design? What does a principal designer do? Hopefully this blog will set the…
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